Keep those cds coming!
In the past weeks 'I've played:
The Lotion
Tone Control
The Berries
Aine Duffy and the Kalmar Collective
Lotus Lullaby
and more!
As you know, I do love playing demos by Cork bands/musicians, and interviewing them
on my show.
So now I've decided that Sweet Oblivion will have a weekly feature on it called 'Rebel Yell!', where bands/musicians from the rebel county will get a special spotlight shone on them.
only will I endeavour to play a number of songs by great Cork bands of the past, but I will be focusing on great Cork bands of the future! So, what it involves is you bands/musicians
sending in a demo to me (address at the end) in Cork Campus Radio, with a little or
long blurb about yourself, and I will play that on my show as part of the 'Rebel Yell!' feature....
and not only that, but you can also choose when you want to be interviewed on the show (ie, when you have a gig/album
launch/etc), AND you can tape the show on MD/tape in the studio! And of course you can play one or two songs live if you so
wish. Plus, you'll be featured on this very website in advance, which has recently been getting hits from as far away as Germany!
All Cork bands who think they'd fit in with the Sweet Oblivion sound, send your demos to:
Rebel Yell c/o
Aoife Barry Cork Campus Radio Aras Na Mac Leinn UCC
It doesn't matter how well known or unknown you
are in Cork, here's a chance to say your music was played on the radio. I've been really impressed with the demo
Cars in Walls sent me recently, and I know that there is a huge amount of talent in the city - you just gotta
show it off!
Aoife B.
The Elliott Smith Tribute was a resounding success!!
A big THANK YOU goes out to all the musicians and people who came out in the worst storms Cork has seen since 1850
to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Elliott Smith's death. Only a few hours before the gig was due to start,
it looked as though it might have had to be cancelled due to the floods which had covered most of the city centre. Even
though the Lobby is on one side of the river, we were really, really lucky and the venue wasn't flooded at all. Unfortunately,
Kilter couldn't play because their lead singer, Barry, was stuck in his apartment due to the floods! However, Kevin
from Kilter was on hand to help out and provide much needed moral support!
All the musicians were just amazing and I really felt like I listened to Elliott in a new way during the gig. Each
musician did his own interpretation of Elliott's songs which made for a really unique evening. We also raised a substantial
amount of money for the Elliott Smith Memorial Fund, so in many, many ways, the night was truly a success!
Thanks to all the people who attended, (and to my friends who bought tickets but who couldn't attend because of the floods!),
and to the following people:
All the artists: Myles, Ian, Kevin, John, Dave F., Dave N., Paul, Barry, Steve, Derrick and Davey. My family,
boyfriend Cormac, friends (there are far too many of you to mention!), everyone at Campus Radio, especially those of you who
plugged the gig to death!, Janice, Pat and Chloe at the Lobby, Gerald from Blind Faith Managment, Tanya Sweeney,
Dave Flanagan for designing the posters, Ollie Cole, all my work pals, even if they got stuck in the floods!, everyone at, Charlie from I haven't forgotten anyone!!
Aoife B.

Elliott Smith, 1969 - 2004 RIP
The La's - The Savoy, Patrick St. June 6th
Funeral Diner (San Francisco) - Fred Zeppelins, June 11th**recommended**
Weezer - June 7th, The Point, Dublin - !!!!!!