Hey all,
It's a bittersweet time at the moment - i'm starting a brand new Sweet Oblivion solo show, but although I'm very excited,
it means bidding adieu to the fabulous Irene who was my co-host (and indeed Sweet O's main presenter for a number of months
recently) since October. It was great working with her and I'm glad that we'll still be doing interviews together :) It was
a pleasure working with you, Irene!
I'll be presenting the show on wednesdays from 10-11pm, so do tune in! you can listen online at www.flirtfm.org...
Hey everyone, just to remind you that Sweet Oblivion is now on Flirt FM 105.6 in Galway, and I'm joined by a
co-presenter Irene Arnold. Tune into us on Tuesdays from 7-8pm!
If you're in a band,email aoife at sweetoblivion at gmail.com!
*It's with more than one tear in my eye that I tell you that this week's Sweet Oblivion is my last show on Campus
Radio. I'll be giving away some Sweet O cds on the show to listeners who text in; I'll have an Elbow interview; and
I'll be playing your requests during the show.
My heartfelt thanks goes out to all the people that I've worked with in Campus Radio over the last 4 years; to
all the listeners who text in; and to the bands who've sent in their demos and been interviewed on the show.
Do tune in this wednesday, it would be great to hear some feedback on what you liked about Sweet Oblivion.
Stay tuned for further news about the show - coming soon.
Well, if I amn't the worst person EVER for updating her site - it's been months since I've been on here!
I've started a new job though that means I can't hang around the station for a long enough after the show to
update my site. pah. and this computer at home is pretty slow so editing takes aaaages.
However, recent news is that I have a lot of regular listeners at the moment, which is totally unexpected and
just so brilliant! I love getting the texts during the show for great bands and people are just being really, really
nice about Sweet Oblivion. I met three listeners at the Devendra Banhart gig and they were lovely, so hello to them
if they're reading it! : )
I interviewed the Posies recently which was just unreal - i'm a huge fan (as is my boyfriend, he nearly died
when he got to meet them!) and it was so weird interviewing them....fun though. Didn't get to interview Devendra because
of loads of things going wrong and a certain member of his entourage being a royal pain in the arse. Ahem. Devendra
himself was nice though, it was quite disconcerting getting my photo taken with him as he was topless at the time....but I
Anywho. Don't forget Rebel Yell is still running, I'll have a track from Ken Cotter's album 'Agent Orange' on
the show this coming week and I want your comments! Text me during the show about it on 0861778197!
Keep the requests coming and I'll do my best to play the best damn indie/alt etc etc music around!
Stay cool,
Aoife B.
*updated weekly*
*June 1st
Thanks to the lads in The Lotion for visiting Sweet Oblivion! :)
*May 30th -lots of 'thanks you's, tickets giveaways and interview news!!
ah, at last I update this site!! Hope you're all well. I've been busy recently with exams and suchlike which is
why this site has been rather uninteresting lately! However, apparently it has had nearly 600 visits in May - so thanks a
million to those of you who are visiting here!
Thanks also to Colum Regan who was on the show on May 18th. He was fab live and really great to
chat with. You can check out his stuff at www.columregan.com. The Lotion will be on my show this week, June 1st. They've told me they're playing two live
tracks, so do tune in and support them. You can check them out at http://www.myspace.com/thelotion. I'll also be featuring an interview with Maria Taylor of Azure Ray (on the Saddle Creek
label), she's just released her solo album, 11:11. Last week, which was a pre-recorded show, I featured an interview
with Ted Stevens of Mayday, who are after releasing their third album, "Bushido Karaoke", on Saddle
Creek as well.
I'll also have two pairs of tickets to give away for Mundy's gig at the Cruiscin Lán this Friday night, and a pair
of tickets for Luka Bloom who's playing at the same venue next Tuesday. (Cheers to the Cruiscin for that! www.cruiscin.net)
Also, thanks to Les who sent me a message via this site requesting 'Sexy Boy' by Air - I'll be playing it on this week's
show! Thanks also to Anne Marie for her interest in the Colum Regan interview.
Aoife B.
*May 10th
Hey there folks! I have three pairs of tickets to give away on tomorrow's show - one each for: James Taylor Quartet;
Eoin Coughlan; and Lisa Loeb - all are playing at the Crusicin Lan in the coming week. Cheers to the Cruiscin!
I interviewed Barry Kelly of the Bleedin Bleedins today, it was a great interview and they're a great band so I'll be playing
more of their stuff on the show tomorrow! I'll also be playing the interview next week, and on next week's show I'll also
have a live interview with Colum Regan who'll be playing with the Citadels at the Sky Bar on the 18th of May. My gmail email
is down at the moment, hopefully it'll be back up tomorrow, apologies to anyone trying to contact me! aoife b.
*May 3rd
I can't believe it's may already!!! Only three weeks till my birthday, woohoo!
Just to let you know there'll be an interview with Steve from Windings tomorrow on the show, I've interviewed
him a few times and he played at my Elliott Smith tribute, and he's a lovely, soft spoken guy, so tune in - and
further your support for him by a) going to see him at the Brog tomorrow night (the fabulosa rest [www.restgopop.com]
are headlining!) and b) buying his new album when it hits the shops on June 3rd! I'll be playing the album
as soon as I get it!!
Thanks to everyone who I met at the FMC A&R forum on saturday, I'll be in touch this week, I just have to compile
your email addresses!
be cool,
aoife b.
* April 27th - hey guys,
I had a really packed show today and ran out of time! I managed to get in a live interview and two tracks with a guy
called Emmet Scanlan, who's in a Galway based band called What the Good Thought. The songs he played
live were absolutely fab, they're looking for gigs in Cork so if you're interested, email me at sweetoblivion@gmail.com and I'll pass on your details to him! I played Femmepop for Eileen who emailed me yesterday - sorry I'd to cut the
song short! thanks so much for emailing. I've got a brand new feature on the show that I'll be starting next week, it's
called 'Rebel Yell!' and it's where Cork bands have the spotlight shone no them exclusively! i'm looking
for bands to send in their demo/ep/album etc and they can also come on the show for an interview! for more info see here:
stay rockin'!
aoife b.
*Hi! Hope ye all had a great weekend - I had a packed one, the Masked Ball was on which was great, I went clubbing twice
and gigging once...it was great. Biffy Clyro were in great form on Sunday night, as were their fab support bands, Cork's
own trio of My Remorse ( www.myspace.com/myremorse) Racing for Pinks, and Rest.
Well done to Mick who won a pair of tickets to see Biffy on my show last week, and Susan who won a pair of tickets for
Pierce Turner. The tickets were courtesy of the lovely lads at An Cruiscin Lan on Douglas St! [www.cruiscin.com].
On this week's show I won't have an interview, it'll be all music so get your requests in on 086 177 8197.
ps. I promise to have my recent playlists updated soon!
xo, Aoife.
*Just got off the phone with James from Biffy Clyro, I'll be playing the interview with him next week,
along with the long-awaited Go! Team interview!
* Today I did two phone interviews, one with James Blunt, and one with Eric from the Section
Quartet. The two interviews went really well and I'll be playing them on next week's show! For more info
on The Section Quartet, who do orchestral interpretations of music by Tool, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead and more, (they have two
violinists, a violist, and a cellist) check out http:// www.thesection.net. Not a gig to be missed!!! James Blunt's very much in the vein of Elliott Smith, which pleases me no end!
His website is at http://www.jamesblunt.com/
Have a great Easter!
xo, Aoife
*On this week's show (March 23th), I have another exclusive interview - this time with the lead dude behind
the hot new band The Go!Team, Ian P. I'll also have a pair of tickets to give away for 'Tripsichord', a
gig in the Cruiscin Lan which features three different musicians ( this week - Mick Flannery,
Jo Davino and Claire O' Mahony - on Thurs 24rd); I'll also
have a pair of tickets to give away for The Subways, who play the Cruiscin Lan on Easter Sunday,
March 27th. I'll be at that gig myself, can't wait! The Cruiscin is on Douglas St and is now under new management
- and as you can see, they're doing a fab job! www.cruiscin.com
*On this week's show, (March 16th), I'll have an exclusive BLOC PARTY interview (sorry I didn't have
enough time to play it last week!). I spoke to Gordon from the band two weeks ago, and he was a lovely chap, although
he spoke much slower than I do! I'll also be featuring a track from a demo by Cars in Walls,
a new Cork-based band (although its members aren't all living here at the moment!). I was really, really impressed with
it and can't make up my mind which track to play! i'd love to get some feedback on it during the show on 086 1778197.
have a good week!
~aoife b.~
*Thanks a million to Victoria and Daniel from the Loser Lounge, who were great guests last week on Sweet Oblivion!
*Loser Lounge (great funky Cork band!) will be in studio tomorrow to plug their gig at the Freakscene 11th
Birthday tomorrow...plus an EXCLUSIVE Bloc Party interview!!!
*The Declan O'Rourke interview today went really well, I got to extend my show for over an hour which was great, and
I got loads of texts which was absolutely amazing! It's so great when people text in. People really seemed to like the
interview with Declan, and the two live tracks he performed in particular.
The Torsten from GIAA interview sounded good too, if I may say so!
On another note...I finally found my Walkmen album! It was in the case of a totally different album - my record collection
is completely disorganised! I have hundreds of cds piled on top of each other on my bookcase, another 80+ on a shelf over
my desk, vinyl on top of that, and about 60 next to my bed!! my room will collapse under the weight of them one of these days....xo
* This week I'll be featuring my interview with Torsten from the brilliant God is an Astronaut.
Also - and I'm really excited about this! - I'll be interviewing Matt from Bloc Party on Friday! I'll
play it, along with the Fearghal McKee interview, next week!
*Feb 9th - check out my blog at the address below for the details about today's show! thanks so much to everyone who
texted in!!!
*Feb 2nd: So, I'm back to my usual
one-hour slot, and it seems like I picked very long songs today because I only managed to fit 9 into the hour! I played
some old favourites like Evaporated by Ben Folds Five from their Whatever and Ever Amen
album which is being re-released with extra tracks soon! I also played a band which I love but which no-one else appears
to like - they were called Thirteen:13 and are sadly defunct now...however, I do know that Toby from the
band is now in a duo called The Honeymoon. Martin Finke has a new album out, Crown
Time, and it's fabulous - check him out at www.martinfinke.com. And the new Josh Rouse album, Nashville, from the tracks I've heard, is absolutely rockin!
Definitely one I'll buy when I have the money...for now, though, I am absolutely broke.
till next week! Aoife B.
* On January 26th, I had an interview
with Blackbud (playing support to House of Love in Cyprus Avenue this Saturday, Jan 29th!!), who are tipped for great things
in 2005. From what I've heard - soaring vocals, crunchy guitar, hints of their idols Hendrix and Buckley coming through
nicely - all praise is well deserved! I also played some of their tracks on the show - for more info check out www.blackbud.co.uk
*I will also have some absolutely exclusive new
music for you tomorrow in the shape of the new single by Fearghal McKee (ex- lead singer of Whipping Boy!!) and
I'll be playing the interview with him that I did yesterday (thanks to Michael Carr for the tip-off!) nearer the date of his
gig with God Is An Astronaut on the 25th of Feb. I can't believe I got to interview a veritable music legend, I am still
in awe! I also interviewed Torsten from GIAA and I'll be playing a track from their new album tomorrow - and what an
amazing album it is!
* Well,
I couldn't find my Walkmen album this morning (typical!) but when I find it I'll play it next week! I did play Hewlett's Daughter
from Grandaddy's fantastic Sophtware Slump album however. Thanks to everyone who texted in,
remember I really want to hear your requests via text or the website! Next week I should have an interview with Blackbud,
a hot new band who will be supporting House of Love when they play Cyprus Avenue - thanks to Eoin for that.
*Thanks a million to Bel who sent me a message via the website, really glad you enjoyed the show and I will most definitely
play some Walkmen and Grandaddy next week! Great taste in music you have! : )
086 177 8197

Mimi from Low |

Conor Oberst - Bright Eyes |
stay tuned for more updates...updated weekly!